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Allianz Amateur Replay – The First Ever Replay For Amateur Footballers

Allianz Amateur Replay – The First Ever Replay For Amateur Footballers


Allianz is a leading financial services company headquartered in Munich, Germany. Its core businesses are insurance and asset management. Allianz has for years been a well known sponsor of professional football. In its support for the sport, Allianz wanted to extend an experience to amateur footballers that was hitherto restricted to those playing in the elite clubs, namely, capturing and replaying the priceless, goal scoring moments in the game.


Working with Ogilvy, PennyWise developed the technology and end-to-end implementation of this highly innovative and award winning program.

The Challenge


A number of different technologies, devices and applications needed to be built and integrated to design a solution.

iPhone Sensors: Detecting gyro events and correlating the same with goals is an important functionality. The gyro can trigger for many cases all of which may not be goals. Or the goal may not get noticed if it doesn’t trigger the required event in the iPhone app.

Time configured on devices: During the match, the iPhone with gyro app would need to keep sending the appropriate timestamp to the server. The time configured on the various devices such as camera, server and the phone needed to be in sync.

Video slicing: Uploading or slicing the raw video as per the timestamps shared needed to be done by using video slicing libraries. Moreover, video size and the duration for slicing were the key factors that were weighing on the solution design.

The Solution

  • The solution required the usage of mobile sensors, a mobile website with an admin module along with a software that integrated with video slicing frameworks.
  • CMS Admin: This admin module was used to configure the matches, teams, users and send the videos to the registered email addresses, etc.
  • Gyro app: This app was installed on an iPhone and this device was placed securely on the corner of the net. When a goal was scored, the app triggered the time-stamp to the server. To detect the goals more accurately, we used the combination of sensors (gyro, shake and accelerometer) as well as more than one device on the football nets to reduce errors due to a single point of failure.
  • Spectator mobile website: This was used by the spectators to revisit the best moments of the match and replay the goals scored by tapping a button.
  • Windows video slicing application: This application was used to slice the video based on the time stamps received by the server from the gyro and the spectators. Post slicing, videos were auto-published to a YouTube Channel. The video slicing was done by leveraging FFmpeg, an open source component.
  • To overcome any Wi-Fi connectivity issues, we stored the timestamps of the goals locally on the devices that could also sync up when the network becomes available.

The Result

Winner of the Cannes Silver

Winner of the Cannes Silver award in the mobile connected devices category 

Seamless working of various

Seamless working of various technologies towards smooth functioning of the entire system

Successful upload of videos on YouTube

Successful upload of videos on YouTube

Scores of videos were viewed

Scores of videos were viewed by friends and family of amateur footballers


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